Top 10 Annoying Things to say in a Montana Fly Shop

The word “Epic”. No offense, but 3-5 years ago, using the word “Epic” to describe a good fishing day was kosher. Unfortunately, “Epic” has turned into something pretty annoying. Using the word “Epic” today is tantamount to Moon Unit Zappa saying back in the 80’s, “barf me out, gag me with a spoon”. Kind of seems a little “Valley Guyish” now days. It’s OK, to just say you had a really good fishing day, even if it was “Epic”.
Anyone saying- “Cabela’s rods are just as good as a Sage or a Winston, and they’re way cheaper”. Trust me. This is the same guy who takes a hot chick to K Mart for a new pair of heels instead of Nordstrom’s. Let’s not forget, AMERICAN’S make Sage and Winston’s, NOT a Chinese person. Try buying a Chinese made truck and see where that gets you.
“Do you sell Orvis?” - This is the Northern Rockies, of course I don’t.
“Trout eat 90% of the time under water”, or “I didn’t see any fish up.”- That’s code for AIN’T GOT NO DRY FLY GAME!
“Do you sell Tenkara Fly’s?” – No. Is there really a difference? Are they tied without hooks?
“Can I have a discount?” – This isn’t a Southern California swap meet you douche bag! This is the customer who actually thinks he is doing you a “favor” for supporting the “little guy”, so you should apparently reward his ass with a discount. Huh?
“He’s a Meat Eater.” – Yeah he’s a “Meat Eater”, but I bet at sunrise he was cruising around in about 12” of water stuffing his cake hole with Midges.
“That Trout I caught was 25 inches” – If you didn’t put a tape to a claimed 25” Trout, you might as well be telling me you banged Taylor Swift last night.
“I don’t buy Patagonia.” – Yeah, their whole Clean Water, and Preservation of Habitat “schtick” is getting really old.
“Mining Sucks.” No, not all mining sucks. In the Big Sky Country mining provides my friends and customers with that little thing called JOBS so they can buy “stupid stuff” like housing, food, and clothing for their children. There is a balance no doubt and not all mining is to be trusted. However, a lot of miner’s are sportsmen and women and trashing their environment is not their scene.
- Foul Hooked Whitey
Comments 3
Mark Altman
You also forgot, “Oh, he’s a really good fish,” like that one you hooked the other day was a “bad” fish. And don’t forget to ask your Montana fly shop for some size 12 March Browns and Hendricksons.
Thomas E. Baltz
Well said except for point #3. Sell what the customers want. Think whatever, but Orvis is a leader…
Curt Jensen
Well put Wilson! I always look forward to your blogs! Speak the truth and it will set you free 😎 love my sage and I love my Simms! I’m still waiting for my chance to purchase my dream rod, but I’m patient and with our current lull in war time environment is typically when we see new and improved innovations especially in graphite and carbon fiber technologies and I know Sage, Wilson and probably Scott will be on the forefront of new graphite technology that always makes superior rods! Keep up the great blogs my friend…