Thread Shredders — Fly Tying


Sunken Ant Fly Tying Tutorial 0

Many will argue that ant imitations are some of the most effective summertime freestone patterns. With a little bit of thought put into the design, the patterns really do not have to be anything elaborate. Over the next couple of videos we will show you a couple of simple yet effective ant patterns that you can add to your arsenal.

Material List

Hook - U-Series U001

Thread - 8/0 Veevus

Body - SLF Squirrel

Hackle - Hen Cape

Pink Pookie Hopper Fly Tying Tutorial 0

Regionally famous pattern developed the Reiner family of Hatchfinders Fly Shop in Livingston Montana. Anyone who knows East Rosebud knows that this is one of our favorites!! 

Material List

Hook - TMC 5263

Thread - UTC 70 Denier

Body - 2mm Foam

Underwing - Deer Hair

Wing - 2mm Foam

Legs - Barred Sexi Legs

CDC Elk Hair Caddis 0

Classic with a bit of a twist. Created back in the 50's, the Elk Hair Caddis is a staple in many anglers box. Dave modifies the classic by adding CDC to the wing, this step is certainly optional and a personal preference.

Material List

Hook - U-Series U001

Thread - 8/0 Veevus

Body - UV2 Fine & Dry Dubbing

Hackle - Whiting Dry Fly Hackle

Ribbing - UTC X-Small Wire

Underwing - CDC 

Wing - Elk Hair


Bug Skin Beetle Fly Tying Tutorial 0

The Bug Skin Beetle is a very versatile, realistic pattern that is a simple quick tie. Developed by a world renown fly designer A.K. Best, while many of his patterns are unconventional ..... few can argue their effectiveness.

Material List

Hook - U-Series U001

Tail - Hen Hackle Tips

Body - Superfine Dubbing

Hackle - Rooster Hackle

Shell - Bug Skin

Montana Prince Nymph Tying Tutorial 0

The Montana Prince is a perfect stonefly imitation. With countless color combination possibilities you can match nearly any bug in your local water. The two tone wire body gives a realistic segmented look along with adding weight to the fly which makes it incredibly effective.

Material List

Hook - TMC 3761

Bead - Tungsten Bead

Body - UTC Wire

Thorax - Senyo's Fusion

Wing/Tail - Goose Biots

Legs - MFC Small Sexi Floss

Batman Nymph Fly Tying Tutorial 0

The "new kid on the block" aka tha Batman Nymph has earned a place in many boxes throughout this region. Super versitable attractor nymph pattern that is incredibly effective. Commonly used on dry/dropper rigs, also very effective fished under indicators when you really need to get down.

Material List

Hook - U-Series 105

Body - Ice Dub

Ribbing - UTC Brassie Wire

Hackle - Hen Neck

Legs - Sexi Floss

Wing - Goose Biot